Hiring and doing what it takes to keep good drivers pic

How to team up with your drivers, even when you’re not in the truck with them, Part 1 of 3

Do you wonder what your drivers are saying about you and your trucking company, when you’re not around? Do you want better communication with your drivers? Do you have a high driver turnover rate, but don’t know why?

If you have any question about how to bring you and your drivers closer, you may want to keep reading. Hopefully, you do have a genuine interest in creating a better working relationship with your drivers. This could easily help with driver retention. We all know how beneficial that is! 

 Hiring and doing what it takes to keep good drivers pic

This blog post is part 1 of 3. Today, I’m talking about company truck drivers now. Based on feedback and comments from company drivers, over the past 12 years, I’ve come up with a few suggestions. If implemented, these small changes could make a big impact in your drivers’ attitudes, their performance and,               ultimately, your trucking operation. I’m sure you’ve heard                   of, “the trickle down effect.”

Communication – Do you have a true open door policy? Can a driver come to you with a valid complaint, and expect it to be addressed, and hopefully resolved, quickly? If you answered, “No.” to either of these questions, you may have many unsatisfied drivers, and you don’t even know it. The same driver you’renot taking care of, is the very same person taking care of your customer. Think about it!


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